Hari ini saya nak berkongsi Manfaat penting GLA ni untuk penyakit2 glamer rakyat malaysia..
Jom baca ni..
—> GLA complex For High blood pressure (Hypertension)
There is some preliminary evidence that GLA may help reduce high blood pressure, either alone or in combination with the omega-3 fatty acids eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), found in fish oil. In one study, men with borderline high blood pressure who took 6g of blackcurrant oil had a reduction in diastolic blood pressure compared to those who took placebo.
Another study examined people with intermittent claudication, pain in the legs while walking that is caused by blockages in the blood vessels. Those who took GLA combined with EPA had a reduction in systolic blood pressure compared to those who took placebo.
More research is needed to see whether GLA is truly effective for hypertension.
–> GLA complex for Breast cancer
One study found that women with breast cancer who took GLA had a better response to tamoxifen (a drug used to treat estrogen sensitive breast cancer) than those who took only tamoxifen.
–>GLA Complex for Diabetic neuropathy
Some studies show that taking gamma linolenic acid (GLA) for 6 months or more may reduce symptoms of nerve pain in people with diabetic neuropathy. People who have good blood sugar control may find GLA more effective than those with poor blood sugar control.
–> GLA Complex for Osteoporosis
Some studies suggest that people who don’t get enough of some essential fatty acids (particularly EPA and GLA) are more likely to have bone loss than those with normal levels of these fatty acids. In a study of women over 65 with osteoporosis, those who took EPA and GLA supplements had less bone loss over 3 years than those who took placebo. Many of these women also experienced an increase in bone density.
wow!! best kan info atas ni?
jadi, buat anda yang punya masalah or sedang alami penyakit ini atau nak hindari penyakit ini, Sila lah mulakan mengamalkan memakan GLA Complex Shaklee ni.
Apa pun, semuanya adalah dengan izin Allah..
Jom, dapatkan Offer GLA Complex bu
lan August 2014 ni. Dengan setiap belian 6 botol, anda akan mendapat sebotol lagi dengan percuma.
Sekian, info dari say.
Pengedar Sah Shaklee
Chugie a.k.a Master Suzianti Maswar
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